
Wednesday, January 7th, 2015

Oh, wow. I’m a week late posting this because to be quite honest, I’ve been a bit terrified to go through my disposable camera film. But this was my new years eve. Of course I had to go back to Lawrence to celebrate, because frankly, that’s the only place I know how to do things. That last picture? My rather scandalous New Year’s kiss caught on film! Oh my word! I loved my random little night. I think we ended up going to around four places and meeting more people at once than I have in awhile.

To most people, the new year is about resolutions and new beginnings, but to me, at least this year, it’s about champagne, sequins, photos, and friends. At this point, you may be asking, “Chantel, what was your new year’s resolution?” but… I don’t really have one. Unless you count the ones Taylor and I discussed; if I told you those, we’d have to kill you. Anyways, I guess if I had to choose a resolution to share, it would be the same as it is every year, or rather, everyday. I’m constantly challenging myself to be more conscious — more aware; to live life at a higher degree. I’ve been especially challenged by these concepts and ideals throughout the semester. The high of traveling, experiencing, and frankly feeling so much in such a short amount of time this summer and then going back to a life of routine and simplicity has truly left me restless– depressed even. To know that there is so much more out there in the world and to be stuck in one single place (a place that I really do love) absolutely exhausts my heart.
It’s time for me to get back to my center and take care of myself again; to not focus on the “dull” but rather the vivid wonders of what my life truly is. What are your new dreams and goals? How do you plan to achieve them? Please, please, please share with me in the comments! I love hearing from you guys!

dress: Nasty Gal

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