Wake up….DRANK

Saturday, January 3rd, 2015


Okay, so no. This post is not actually about New Year’s resolutions or anything like that, because the concept of New Year resolutions kind of freaks me out, I don’t know. I’ve just spent the last semester completely treating my body as a hotel rather than a home. So, of course, I’m back to as much raw fruit and veggies as I can handle. To give your body a bit of its kick back after all of the holiday food, wine, and champagne I know you all consumed, I’m going to give you four of my all time favorite detox drinks. I took these pictures right when I woke up and had to use the self-timer because nobody was around this morning, hence the more awkward than normal pictures and spilled water everywhere hahah! I already feel better about life after drinking two of these + some nice cream and an avocado salad.
From left to right:
Mint, cucumber, and lime soaking in water overnight
half a pomegranate and a few lemon slices soaked in water overnight
mint, cucumber, and lemon soaked in water overnight
juice of a lemon, water, a tiny pinch of cayenne, and agave syrup to taste served right away
Healthy, fun, SIMPLE ways to drink more water, and even more importantly, they’re so pretty! 

bralette: fortuity
pajama pants: JCP

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